V i v o p o r q u e e x i s t e l a m ú s i c a, s e n c i l l a m e n t e.

So che capirete. Io vivo per la musica.



So you feel a little left-alone
and kinda forgotten 
some tick ago 
of that golden grandpa's clock

then give out a smile 
It will hurt, keep it up
and soon it will turn real
you congratulate yourself for managing to do that

and so happiness will atract 
the things you've missed 'til now
and so the vicious circle may 
take some holidays in Haway

It's contradictory to find

you must seek when you need love
for giving others what you lack
and that's the only certain track

Bueno me quedó muy mal pero en fin.

Si te sentís alejado, acercate. Si sentís que el toro se aleja, tratá de acercarte. Si no funciona, preguntá "¿Qué carajo?". Si -1% de chances- no funciona, seguí viviendo, algo va a funcionar.

Bueno, me gustó buscar imágenes con rosas así que acá hay otra...

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