V i v o p o r q u e e x i s t e l a m ú s i c a, s e n c i l l a m e n t e.

So che capirete. Io vivo per la musica.


I hate to be in between you two. I hate to be the one you'll two. To be the one you'll both get rid of your problems with, it ba litteraly or just talking them away, because in the end, if I happen to need the same thing, you'll never bethere for me... At least not objectively. You ma say you are, yet be unhelpful and unreliable. 
I hate feeling like the rag doll you'll "fight" for, pulling on both arms, one each, 'till I'm broken at the very middle and you say "oh, whatever, le's go do something else together since this was unimportant." 
I hate to do my best to get you together, just for you to dump me once I reach my objective.
I also hate the egoist thoughts those facts bring into my head. Me wanting to have each of you, sepparately, only for me sometimes. Me wanting to be somewhere nearer to the core of your attention. I hate how that sounds, and I hate how that sounds inside of my head even more.
I hate I love you two... I hate the trouble you are for me.
...I also hate to be saying and hating all this. However, my hatred won't stop it from being true.

(Bueno gente, Blogger se niega a dejarme poner un imagen, gomen. )

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