V i v o p o r q u e e x i s t e l a m ú s i c a, s e n c i l l a m e n t e.

So che capirete. Io vivo per la musica.


When I'm bad I feel, well BAD for doing it.
When I'm good, I end up  b-R-o-K-e-N
Then what should I do...?
I'm a little lost, right?
But what's the meaning of loss, anyway?

and if I'm in the middle, the ice-cold princess, the porcelain doll...
Well you already see this mess.

Che, esta imagen semeja más una situación en la que la golondrina (o el pájaro que sea) está sacando el hilo del corazon, no cosiendo... What do you say 'bout it?

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