V i v o p o r q u e e x i s t e l a m ú s i c a, s e n c i l l a m e n t e.

So che capirete. Io vivo per la musica.


I'm I so wrong or so right? - Lost

It'd be so much easier to be a bitch, what's making me try to mak ethings right?

And do all those bad intentions momentarily crossing my mind mean something if I don't let them be expressed? I can't help feeling jealousy, rage, hatred,and betrayal, all those things that came from Pandora's box, weren't they supposed to be hezaled by hope?
I worj so much to make her, hope, shine on me, but sometimes it seems like she's actually useless, a facade.
(¿Se dieron cuenta de que, aunque dice "I am not here", por el ángulo se puede llegar a leer "I am not her"? Por ahí es locura mia, pero para mi que eso está genial, y es casi un doble sentido de la vida... Aii beuno no lo supe explicar, da igual.)

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